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Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

Make the Most Attractive PPC Publishing Ad Possible

You can make the most attractive PPC Publishing ad by keeping it simple. Make sure you use keywords and write your own ad. Ensure it truly fits with the image you want to portray to your customer. 

Ask yourself, what pleases your eye? How do I want my brand to be portrayed? Decide whom you want to reach through PPC Publishing. Analyze your product, or business services and realistically look at whom you are trying to reach? Then step into their shoes and ask how can I reach them?

Make a list of approximately 20 keywords you believe are relevant to your service or product. When you think about your business, what are the words that you would use to ideally describe what you want your business to be known as? Now, picture your ideal demographic. Are they old, young, male, female? Do they like sports, fine dining, or money? Do they have families? Are they single? For each of these categories write down additional keywords, then go over all of them and pick out your top ten, only ten.

Begin now to picture your ad, keep it clean, and simple, not plain, just simple, but always make it look professional. Make sure your entire brand is tied together. Choose a color scheme you believe properly represents your company, and may appeal to your customer. Do not underestimate the power of simplicity. Flash is sometimes just that, flash, and it can be unappealing.

Write your ad based upon those keywords. Draw people in by creating a unique look and voice through your words that your consumer will recognize as distinctly your own.

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